I try use 1.9 version, but in log speel :
2009-02-12 19:24:14,716 4469 8e0a293829c76241 NEW_URL YOUTUBE 303:http://srv1.cachedvideos.com/videocache/0/youtube/8e0a293829c76241?id=8e0a293829c76241&itag=34&ip=®ion=0&signature=56322A146655ED5407A91ED95D92C96B17067228.114918418640DB3321C179D58885A466AE760722&sver=2&expire=1234495454&key=yt1&ipbits=0
in my config file :
cache_host = srv1.cachedvideos.com
base_dir = /cache/www/videocache/
what´s this "/0/" ??? my browser not locate the video because the real dir is :
but script send
anu help???
10 Answers
Did you follow the upgrade notes properly? Restarted your Apache webserver and squid proxy server after the upgrade/installation ? That url is not an error, it is the new intended behavior to support multiple caching directories.
Please have a look at the upgrade process and let me know if you get any errors with videocache.
Thank You!
I was getting the same erro installing videocache 1.9, then I realized Apache2's error.log was saying "File does not exist: /var/www/videocache/0/youtube". Then I was in /var/cache/videocache and created a directory named 0 and inside him I made a symbolic link with:
ln -s /var/spool/videocache/youtube/ /var/spool/videocache/0/
Now my videocache is working fine.
I'm using Debian Etch.
Congratulations for you work!
Best regards,
That ln command is not needed. I suspect something wrong with your installation. Can you paste your /etc/apache2/conf.d/videocache.conf file somewhere like http://pastebin.com/ ?
PS : Did you change apache_conf_dir variable in setup.py while installing videocache?
Thank You!
I'm using Apache2 and change in setup.py the variable apache_conf_dir for "apache_conf_dir = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/'". Then in this directory is the file videocache.conf.
This is the videocache.conf:
Alias /videocache/0 /var/spool/videocache
<Directory /var/spool/videocache>
Options +Indexes
Order Allow,Deny
#Comment the following line and uncomment the next for public use
#Deny from all
Allow from all
Best Regards,
Then it should have worked without create a 0 directory in /var/spool/videocache/ . It seems your Apache is not treating aliases as it should?
Thank You!
But other aliases it's treating very well. When I install the videocache it will create a directory 0 inside the /var/spool/videocache?
Thank you!
No. When you do a clean installation of videocache, it is not supposed to create a directory '0' in /var/spool/videocache.
Thank You!
I'm writting a HOW-TO install the cachevideo. Then, I'll indicate in text to create the 0 directory. OK?
Thank You!
No. Thats not the standard way. I am not able to understand why its not working. But don't worry, I'll fix it up in next version. You can write that as a tip or hack in the howto marking it with a star or something.
Thank you for your efforts :)
Same problem upgrading from 1.8 to 1.9 on FreeBSD. But I think it is my fault because I used a symbolic link to declare to my Apache where the videocache folder is. I didn't modify the Apache configuration.
At previous versions I made:
cd /www
ln -s /var/spool/videocache videocache
(/www it is a symbolic link to my root Apache folder)
For 1.9 I made:
cd /www
unlink videocache
mkddir videocache
cd videocache
ln -s /var/spool/videocache 0
Josep Pujadas