Videocache is no longer in development.

Refetch when start point is passed loaded data.

by Anonymous on 17 Jan 2009

If the start= is greater than the amount of data streamed on a cache hit, it re-fetches the video from the start.

IE /videocache/redtube/X0CBJF1ZA.flv?start=46098145

It sees this and then regrabs the video because it hasn't yet loaded to 46098145.

We are using Video Cache in a live environment, feel free to ask me for any stats etc that you would like. It has a drastic effect when there are a few thousand users hitting the cache with video hits :P

Also, if you used store url rewrites as well, videocache could cache the whole thing in one hit instead of double fetching the videos.

Any intentions to fix both of these issues? I consider them bugs as they don't work well in a live environment.

1 Answers

by Kulbir Saini on 19 Jan 2009


  1. Please contact me using contact tab with more details on the live environment.
  2. StoreUrlRewrite is support only in squid 2.7. Its not available in 3.x as of now. So, using storeurlrewrite would make it impossible to use videocache with squid-3.x . I'll update as soon as we get storeurlrewrite in 3.x

Thank you for reporting the issues.