Some youtube videos are cached with a small flv file, containing only a text string:
This happens whe a youtube video has been removed and in other cases that I can't understand.
Josep Pujadas
9 Answers
Hello a new time!
I saw that I have the same problem with youtube embedded videos. Example:
Josep Pujadas
Hi Josep,
Well if a video has been removed, it can't be help but otherwise it should be fine. I'll see the embedding part.
Thank you for reporting.
Any news about Embedded videos?
We use a lot. We have videocache not working with our squid. We can't use videocache without a solution for Embedded videos.
For removed videos I suggest not to cache them. I they are cached, the user can't see the removed notice.
Josep Pujadas
Hi Josep,
1.Please update your squid.conf with the following lines for videocache. Remove the old lines first.
# --BEGIN-- videocache config for squid
url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/python /usr/share/videocache/videocache.py
url_rewrite_children 10
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \\.youtube\\.com\\/get_video\\?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \\.cache[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?\\.googlevideo\\.com\\/videoplayback
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \\.cache[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?\\.googlevideo\\.com\\/get_video\\?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i proxy[a-z0-9\\-][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]?\\.dailymotion\\.com\\/
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i [a-z0-9][0-9a-z][0-9a-z]?[0-9a-z]?[0-9a-z]?\\.xtube\\.com\\/(.*)flv
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i bitcast\\.vimeo\\.com\\/vimeo\\/videos\\/
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i va\\.wrzuta\\.pl\\/wa[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \\.files\\.youporn\\.com\\/(.*)\\/flv\\/
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i \\.msn\\.com\\.edgesuite\\.net\\/(.*)\\.flv
acl videocache_allow_url url_regex -i rs[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[a-z][a-z0-9]?[a-z0-9]?\\.rapidshare\\.com\\/files\\/
acl videocache_allow_dom dstdomain v.mccont.com vp.video.google.com dl.redtube.com .cdn.dailymotion.com
acl videocache_deny_url url_regex -i http:\\/\\/[a-z][a-z]\\.youtube\\.com http:\\/\\/www\\.youtube\\.com
url_rewrite_access deny videocache_deny_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_dom
redirector_bypass off
# --END-- videocache config for squid
Also remove the previously cached videos.
2.The embedded videos are working perfectly fine for me. I think the above lines would fix that as well.
Thank you for your patience.
I tested my squid with these lines. I could see embedded videos at http://blocs.xtec.cat/grupu but they aren't cached.
And if I use acl for videocache I'm not sure if I will chain squidguard and videocache correctly.
Josep Pujadas
Hi Josep,
Good to know that it worked. New videocache will cache those as well. I hope I'll be able to release it by tonight :)
Thank You!
I'm testing videocache 1.7. Up to now eveything ok. It caches embedded videos.
Josep Pujadas
good day! recently i checked the cache folder and noticed that there are several files that were below the pre-defined minimum size. and when i tried to play them with vlc i found out that these files are actually truncated or in other words not incompletely downloaded. how can we fix this? thanks in advance...
This is not the same problem. I've got text in my files. 1.7 version solved the problem.
If you have truncated flv files perhaps you have lacks in your Internet connection.
Try to put less parallel downloads. The default at videocache.conf is 30:
max_parallel_downloads = 30
Josep Pujadas