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[SOLVED] START_XMLRPC_SERVER_ERR - Cannot start XMLRPC Server - Exiting

by lferreira on 19 Feb 2009

Hello, i'm posting here this solving so that other persons experiencing this know how to overpass it.

my cachevideo instalation stop caching videos. and in the log this pop up:

START_XMLRPC_SERVER_ERR - Cannot start XMLRPC Server - Exiting

This happen because there is more redirectors activated than the permited by squid in squid.conf.


First, comment the folowing lines in squid.conf

url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/python /usr/share/videocache/
url_rewrite_children 5
url_rewrite_access deny videocache_deny_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_dom
redirector_bypass on

Reload new config of squid

squid -k reconfigure

Clear the mess

ps aux |grep videocache

you will see that there is a loarge number on instances running. In my case this pop up:

xxx@xxx:/usr/share/videocache# ps aux |grep python
hplip     3219  0.0  0.0  48344   824 ?        S    Feb01   0:00 python /usr/sbin/hpssd
nobody    7171  0.0  0.1  66440  7564 ?        S    Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7181  0.0  0.2  39204  8472 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7182  0.0  0.2  39204  8472 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7183  0.0  0.2  39208  8472 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7184  0.0  0.2  39208  8472 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7185  0.0  0.2  39208  8472 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7442  0.0  0.2  39200  8468 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7443  0.0  0.2  39200  8468 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7444  0.0  0.2  39200  8468 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7445  0.0  0.2  39200  8468 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody    7446  0.0  0.2  39212  8472 ?        Ss   Feb18   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody   31680  0.2  0.2  39196  8464 ?        Ss   14:22   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody   31681  0.3  0.2  39208  8472 ?        Ss   14:22   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody   31682  0.2  0.2  39196  8464 ?        Ss   14:22   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody   31683  0.2  0.2  39200  8468 ?        Ss   14:22   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
nobody   31684  0.3  0.2  39204  8468 ?        Ss   14:22   0:00 (python) /usr/share/videocache/
root     31716  0.0  0.0   3940   740 pts/2    S+   14:23   0:00 grep python

after that, kill all the instances of using kill PID

Uncomment the folowing lines in squid.conf

url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/python /usr/share/videocache/
url_rewrite_children 5
url_rewrite_access deny videocache_deny_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_url
url_rewrite_access allow videocache_allow_dom
redirector_bypass on

Finish the job. Restart squid gracefully

/etc/init.d/squid restart

and you should see that like a miracle videocache start working again.

Hope this will help (it took me a couple of time to figure this out :) )

4 Answers

by Kulbir Saini on 19 Feb 2009


Thank you for posting the cleanup process. But you can do all of the above with just one command (obviously if you are not too much concerned about killing your squid process)

killall -9 squid python; service squid start

Thank you for using videocache :)

by lferreira on 19 Feb 2009

well, using killall -9 python i agree, but the instructions where to clean up everything and in the process explain how the magic of cachevideo works. I agree with you, but with that, for the most curious person, that will not be enought. never the less, here is the cleanup instruction. :)


BTW, i completely forgot to make the login before posting this.

by Kulbir Saini on 19 Feb 2009


Thanks for explaining the process. And I edited the post with you as author :)

by Jean Carlos on 28 Apr 2009

but because this problem? There has always been such a problem.
